Friday, December 10, 2010

Jummah 04 Muharram 1432


For a human being there are 4 basic principles for successful living.

1. Belief in Allah and His Messenger SAW
2 Eat what is Halal. 
3 Thank Allah.
4 Worship Allah.

This is based on the words of Allah S2: V172.


Pour un etre humain il y a 4 principes de base pour une vie reussie.

1 Croyance en Allah et Son Messager SAW
2 Manger ce qui est Halal.
3 Remercier Allah.
4 Adorer Allah.

Ceci est base sur la parole divine S2:V172.

Mufti Muhammad Ishaaq Qadri
Jummah Mubarak