Friday, April 15, 2011

10 Jamma-d-ul- awwal 1432

Prophet Muhammad  Sallahou alayhi wassallam  said: "One who helped someone in a trouble in this world, Allah will help him in his trouble in the Hereafter and one who keeps the faults of a Muslim secret in this world, Allah will keep his faults in the Hereafter and Allah remains in the help of the (Muslim) man until he is in the help of his brother."

Le Prophete Muhammad Sallahou alayhi wassallam a dit "Celui qui a aide quelqu'un en difficulte dans ce monde, Allah l'aidera dans sa difficultedans l'au dela. Celui qui cache les defauts d'un musulman dans ce monde, Allah cachera ses peches au jour du Jugement et Allah ne cesse d'aider le croyant aussi longtemps qu'il soit en train d'aider son frere musulman."

Jummah Mubarak
Mufti M. Ishaaq Qadri