Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Q & A - Mi'râj - [Part I]

  1. Would you please tell us how did the Sahaba-E-Kiram celebrate Lailatul Me'raaj ?
  2. Did Rasulullah Salahoualayhi Waslam saw Allah SWT on the night of Me'raaj ?
  3. Some ignorants use the version of Bibi Aisha RA to tell us that Rasulullah Salahoualayhi Waslam did not see Allah SWT on the night of Me'raaj . Would you please clarify this for us ?
  4. What is Sidrat-Ul-Muntaha ?
  5. Jibreel AS could not go beyond a limit. Please explain this.
  6. Is the 5 times daily Salaat the biggest gift of Me'raaj Shareef ?